Monday, July 12, 2010

More Than Just Lady-Boys and Go-Go Girls

Written By: Lisa Bradley

Thailand is a country of many reputations, its strong sense of sexual liberation being amongst the most eminent. This reputation is not unjustified as lady-boys and go-go girls cover the entire country - arguably being more concentrated in Bangkok than in any other part of the world. But when one considers the city of Chiang Mai in isolation - away from the Bangkoks and Phukets – the dynamics of the gay and lesbian scene and expressions of sexuality in general differ considerably. It loses much of the cheap tackiness and sheer numerics found in other parts of the country and is instead embraced as a contributor to the cultural vibrancy of the city.

Chiang Mai is often quoted as being the most culturally significant city in Thailand - a city that has successfully managed to combine its rich history and traditions with an increasingly modern flavour. It is a city that many Thais look to with pride; being a source of nationhood and a leading example of what Thai culture is really all about.

The gay and lesbian scene in Chiang Mai is small but busy, open but respected. Many restaurants, guest houses and clubs heavily advertise themselves as ‘gay-friendly’ in an attempt to attract a larger clientèle. In fact, many gay-friendly clubs openly prefer gay patrons (whilst still having open admission) as a way to strengthen and maintain the community as well as protect the club’s image. However with this being said, the gay community and scene severely outnumbers its lesbian counterpart. Whilst not non-existent, the lesbian scene in Chiang Mai is extremely small and is only now beginning to establish itself against an already bustling gay scene. If it is a drop, the gay community is an ocean.

What is important to note is that homosexuals and homosexuality are only one component of the larger sexual community. Also prominent are transsexuals, bisexuals and prostitutes – all of which are major contributors to Chiang Mai’s night life and cultural scene.

In direct contrast to many countries in its region, Chiang Mai embraces sexual liberalism. Rather than shaming or condemning all expressions of sexuality other than a monogamous relationship between a man and a woman – Chiang Mai considers its sexual liberalism to be an asset. It is seen as an important contributor to the city’s culture as a whole. In gay bars across town sex shows are abundant, theatricality evident, as the community is proud and free to express themselves.

There are tinges of a darker, desperate and dirtier side to the community more commonly associated with Bangkok and Phuket – but on the whole it is of a cleaner, less financially driven nature. The reality is that sexual liberalism in Chiang Mai is means much more than just lady-boys and go-go girls.

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